Monday, July 7, 2008

My summer plan

I don't dicide my summer plan yet.

Maybe I'll go back my hometown, It's hokkaido.
but plane ticket is very expensive...

And I'd like to visit kyusyu or shikoku.

I have never visited them alone.

my home town!!

Message to next semesters student

bad points

This class isn't study English.

You only use PC and write down some easy English sentence about class activity.

And you don't need to speak English in this class.

If you read a English book when you wait a next activity in this class.
You can get a peper it's written down "bad" by Teacher.

good points

You have enough time for class activity.

This is very easy class.

You can use a PC in this class.

You can see some interesting movie.

Monday, June 30, 2008

google Android

I join a new group It's google Android.

google android is a new sdk for mobile phone.

i'm very interesiting and study about it.

If you interesting it. Let's talk about it with me!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

I made wilipedia page

I writen about senter man in wikipedia.
Let's go and search!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Search for an iteresting page in wilipedia

My interesting thing is Eve Online.
It's a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMO)

but It's not start to sarvice in japan.
but you play free duing 2week.

if you interesteied in it.
You should play it!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

funny video!

this video is panish game in TV show.
name is "Don't laugh".

His name is gemir onishi.
He don't read English.